
Trevor guides financial technology companies through regulatory, risk management, and strategic challenges. Trevor is passionate about the deliberate integration of compliance activities with business processes and products, and strives to help clients gain efficiencies and value-add from their compliance departments. 

Trevor was previously a principal at Promontory Financial Group where he counseled financial institutions through a range of strategic, programmatic, and esoteric undertakings. Trevor, a lawyer by training, previously clerked for former Commodity Futures Trading Commission Commissioner Sharon Y. Bowen, where he helped launch the inaugural Market Risk Advisory Committee. Later, at the Financial Industry Regulatory Authority (FINRA), Trevor conducted investigations of potential securities law violations and drafted guidance on FINRA and Municipal Securities Rulemaking Board rules.Trevor earned a B.A. from the University of Maryland and a J.D. from The George Washington University Law School. Trevor is fluent in French and Swahili, and is a retired professional rugby player.